The I Do’s and Don’ts of Dogs in Weddings

With early summer comes the arrival of wedding season. And since weddings are joyful occasions meant to be shared with the ones you love, it’s not surprising that many couples want to include their beloved pets in the celebration. Thankfully, there are lots of fun and memorable ways to include your pets, whether they attend the ceremony or not.

If your dog is the super chill type who’s never met a stranger and never gets into trouble, you might decide to give him or her the role of ring bearer, flower dog or furry attendant. Whether the moment goes exactly as rehearsed, watching your dog walk down the aisle will surely be memorable. Just make sure that your venue and the officiant will allow it. It goes without saying that outdoor ceremonies are better suited to wedding parties with pets.

You will need someone assigned to dog duty for the entire day, preferably a trusted guest without other responsibilities, or a dog sitter who you hire for that purpose. Plan to bring your dog to the venue ahead of time to sniff around and get some practice in. Try on any special accessories such as collars or flower-covered leashes multiple times to make sure your dog is comfortable. Also, do some research or make sure your florist knows which flowers and plants can be toxic to dogs, and be sure to avoid them in bouquets and arrangements.

If your pet is a bit unpredictable, and you’d rather avoid adding stress and potential distractions to the ceremony itself, you still have plenty of options. First, consider making daycare and bathing plans with us. We’ll provide the puppy love and attention while you tie the knot!

Before the big day, you could send out “save the date” cards using an almost-family photo taken with your pets. Using a photo or illustration, you could add your dog’s likeness to your invitations, place cards or cake topper. For fun at the reception, consider naming a special cocktail at the bar for your dog and display it on the menu board. As favors, offer “doggie bags” with dog or cat treats for guests to take home.

However, you decide to include your pets in your wedding festivities, it will surely add to the fun and memories to be cherished!