Ultimate Doggy Daycare in Green Bay WI

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Ultimate Doggy Daycare

At Golrusk Pet Care Center we are always monitoring the latest trends in professional pet care. We are excited about a new dog daycare program we are providing called Ultimate Doggy Daycare, which is a pet enrichment program based on a daily schedule of activities. A typical day at Ultimate Doggy Daycare includes play with other dogs as well as individual sessions with the counselors. Recognizing that dogs enjoy mental as well as physical activity the Ultimate Doggy Daycare schedule incorporates structured games and brain puzzles.  Some of the most popular activities include nose games, obstacle course challenges, tricks and balance or core exercises.  Our Ultimate Doggy Daycare program has been created to customize a full day of fun for your pet.



Monday and Thursday’s 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Ultimate Doggy Daycare consists of a blend of different sized dogs based on their behavior and play style.  Call Golrusk to schedule an evaluation appointment prior to enrolling in the program.


  • All dogs must be six (6) months of age or older.
  • All dogs must be spayed or neutered.
  • Proof of Vaccination necessary for: DHLPP-Distemper Series, RABIES, and BORDETELLA.
  •  Complete Application & Ultimate Doggy Daycare evaluation
  • Reservations are required for each session along with payment to secure a spot.

Once you’ve filled out an enrollment form about your pet, a scheduled behavioral & play style assessment will be conducted by trained staff members.   They will observe the behavior and attitudes of your pet and will decide if your pet will be a candidate for Ultimate Doggy Daycare

$ 216+ tax
Once per week: $216.00 plus tax
Twice per week: $432.00 plus tax

You may enroll for once a week session or twice a week sessions for 6 weeks.
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What Golrusk Pet Care Center Customers Are Saying

We love all of our happy customers from areas around Green Bay, Bellevue, Allouez, Ashwaubenon, Howard, DePere, and more. 

Come visit us in Green Bay, WI for all of your dog training, dog boarding, dog daycare, dog grooming, and pet product needs.